Our Parish

St. Michael-St. Malachy Parish is a Roman Catholic parish in East New York, Brooklyn. Mass is held at St. Michael Church at 225 Jerome Street.

From Our Pastor

Fr. Martin Curtin, OFM Cap

As the Pastor of St. Michael - St. Malachy, I am convinced we have a lot to offer. Explore our website but know that it is just the tip of the iceberg. The wealth of the parish becomes clear as you meet the people and celebrate God’s presence . You will be enriched, I personally assure you. 

Como párroco de San Miguel - San Malaquías, estoy convencido de que tenemos mucho que ofrecer. Explore nuestro pagina de web pero sepa que es solo la punta del hielo. La riqueza de la parroquia se vuelve clara cuando conoces a la gente y celebras la presencia de Dios. Te enriquecerás, te lo aseguro personalmente.